Greetings from iPeaceTV, the video department of the IHQ.




Greetings from iPeaceTV, the video department of the IHQ.


Our team is responsible for producing and distributing HJ Global News on a weekly basis, as well as TruePeace magazine every month. Our goal is to provide members with the latest updates on True Parents' words, IHQ news, and activities happening around the world.


To ensure that we can reach more members and share the gracious news of the Family Federation, we have partnered with the Mission office of the IHQ to create a news-sharing group chat room. We hope that this platform will allow us to share new and exciting content that we create with you, which you can then share with members in your respective countries.


We're excited to share with you this week's edition of HJ Global News, as well as this month's TruePeace magazine. Our hope is that you will receive Heavenly Parent and True Parents' abundant grace through the content we produce.


Best regards,

